
How historians learn about the past

Hey everyone in this blog post you will read how historians learn about the past. All historians use the historical method. The historical method has five main steps:
1)   They gather different sources and information, they state whether they are:
a.    Primary
b.    Secondary
2)   They categorize the sources they have found, the sources can be:
a.    Written
b.    Non – written
3)   Historians evaluate their sources by questioning them using the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, why) and then they evaluate wheater they are:
a.    Accurate
b.    Valid
c.    Reliable
4)   Historians then interpret their information, though each historian interprets it in a different way.
5)   Last thing they do is sharing what they have found, their info and their theories.
The 4th step, when historians interpret their information, can change because each historian have come up to a different theory. For example the Stonehenge in the U.K. has different theories based up on it. One; it was a place a religious place, a place of worship. Two; the American astronomer Gerald Hawkins had a theory that it was a place where people from that time would use it as a calendar. So as you can see we can’t tell unless scientists will make a time machine!
So as you can see the Historical Method is a very efficient method used in humanities, very similar to that; there is the scientific method, which is used in science.
Hope you learned something new!


In the past, where did humans tend to settle?

Hi everyone, this post will answer you this question: where do humans tend to settle and why? Geographers and historians look for reason of why people decided to settle in an area. Long time ago people had to find a good place to live and grow the crops and what will be a future home. I personally think that when choosing an area for you to live the topography of the land is very important. The factors of topography are: land (physical features) and climate. A perfect place is near water, with land, where there is a appropriate climate and weather and where there are a lot of animals. Water because it is a important natural resource which can be used for many things, such as: watering plants, drinking it, and maybe even using it for cleaning yourself. There needs to be land to grow plants which will be eaten. The climate needs to be appropriate for the needs; not too hot and not too cold. It also needs to be with animals because they’re a source of food. Though humans at that time didn't have as much choice to move as we have today. So is there was actually a problem they either had to move or adapt. There are 3 main tipes of movements:
  • Temporary --- movements repeated in a cycle --- going to a workplace in the morning and coming back home in the evening
  • Periodic --- for a period of time --- all summer at the seaside
  • Migration --- for ever --- many Italians moved to New York during the early 1900s
So as you can see So as you can see those are some main needs which people had to consider when choosing a place to live.

U.K. Topographic Map


What is history and why do we study history?

Hello everyone and this is my second blog post of year. In this post I am going to answer you two big humanities questions: What is history and why do we study it? My meaning is that history is the record of past’s events: people, ideas, and things. A synonym I would use is recorded time: because from when people had had evidence, they would have record it. There are two main ways to discover about the past. Archeology is the study of the past through humans and animal remains.
We study history because we all want to gain info, see how the past has changed but also see the pattern of how things are repeating themselves. By saying the past I mean governments, populations, cities etc. Like this we learn more about the Earth, the different cultures and especially more about ourselves.
Quote: "If you do not like the past, change it." by William L. Burton
I like this quote because it is meaningful and it tells you that whatever we/you have done wrong you can repair it in the present.  
Hope you learned bits and pieces pn answering the big question. Thank you!